Rally Update

Boy was I presumptuous in my last post. I was hoping to update this site with content from this event often. As you can tell it didn't happen. There were many distractions and time restrains during my time in the desert. Many factors including arrival time (we would be out off-roading in modified 4x4's for 12-14 hours per day), lack of internet access, sand storms, and human needs such as hunger, hygiene, and sleep, limited my time and motivation. I am back in Toronto and I'm trying to recover from serious sleep deprivation. Each morning our wake up call would occur at 4am and I would usually get to bed by midnight every night for ten days. The last day of the event and my travel day home was a continuous 44 hour journey with perhaps an hour of interrupted sleep in total. All this combined with my initial jet lag on my trip to the event. Despite all the drama I'm very happy with the images I've captured and I will probably attend again next year. I'll be putting up a final collection of images at the link I provided in my previous message so take a look. Some images will also accompany a future Toronto Star article in the Saturday Star Wheels section. So keep an eye out for that.

The race website is
www.rallyeaichadesgazelles.com and my images can be seen at www.sportsshooter.com/lmphoto/gaz06